I have lived in Raleigh, North Carolina since 2008. If I never have to move again, that would be fine by me.

One of the crowning jewels of the state is the N.C. State Fair.

I had never been to a state fair prior to moving to N.C. Sure, I’ve gone to carnivals, but I had never experienced an event where the entire community comes together, for over a week, to eat crazy food, ride thrilling rides, and listen to local musicians.

According to Heather Overton, Assistant Director of Communications for the N.C. State Fair Press Office, “The N.C. State Fair showcases the best of North Carolina.” As a N.C. resident and Fair goer myself, I can attest to the fact that they are being true to this philosophy.

Locals and people from around the U.S. travel to Raleigh, N.C. to attend. It is a blend of people, fun, food, and talent that make the event what it is – something truly special. And it is happening right now – from October 17th through October 27th. So if you do decide to stop by (and I really think you should), make sure you get one of those chicken sandwiches on a honey bun. Or one of the many amazing high fructose corn syrup laden food items. You won’t regret it. Seriously.

Oh and if you want to hear all about fried food, livestock competitions, or landscape exhibits and are interested in learning how the N.C. State Fair comes together, head over here to listen to my conversation with Heather Overton. We discussed all things N.C. State Fair in a recent episode of my podcast, Let’s Fix Work.