How to Stand Up for Yourself at Work

The past few years have been tough for all working professionals. You’ve worked hard for what you accomplished—whether that’s starting a new job, scoring a new position or taking on new responsibilities. So why is it still hard to learn how to stand up for yourself at work? Even seasoned professionals can feel intimidated by the…

Fight For Yourself with Andy Storch - talent development

Fight For Yourself with Andy Storch

I’m joined today by a fellow author, podcaster, speaker and coach, Andy Storch. Andy is the host of two podcasts including The Talent Development Hot Seat and the Own Your Career Own Your Life Podcast as well as the author of the book “Own Your Career Own Your Life.” Andy also is the founder and…

The Ultimate Coronavirus Panic Buy

By Devon McGrath This week our (home) office got two new coworkers. They’re easily distracted and prone to bickering. I often catch them sleeping on the job and when they’re awake, they think it’s fun to interrupt my video calls. I can’t hold it against them though. They’re young, siblings, and growing up is hard…

COVID-19 Preparedness with Lorna Borenstein

Punk Rock HR Episode 100: People keep saying that we’re living in an unprecedented era of disruption. While this is new for us, humankind has lived through war, pestilence, plagues, and we have persevered. We persevere because we hustle, and we move quickly. We think about innovative solutions, but we also rely on our community.…