So you want to become an influencer or thought leader in 2020? Well, in a recent episode of Let’s Fix Work, I shared five tips to help you achieve that goal. Today, I wanted to share two of those five tips with you. 

The first thing you need to understand when setting out to become an influencer is this:

You have to OWN it. You have to proclaim that you are a badass influencer. 

You have to be comfortable saying, “I am a thought leader.”  If you’re not comfortable saying it and you don’t believe it yourself, no one else is going to believe in you.

The second tip I want to share is about embracing the fear of being ostracized. 

Well, in order to be a thought leader you have to be bold and brave. There are people out there who are racist, sexist, homophobic, or misogynistic. These are people who think because they have a platform, they can use it, but you are not one of those individuals. You have principles and smart things to say. But sometimes what you are going to say is going to irk a lot of people, especially if you’re doing it right. Especially if you want to be a thought leader, an influencer or public speaker. These people may not like you and they may not appreciate you. 

You have to be willing to endure and persevere.  You have to be willing to not be invited to the big party. And you have to have resilience in the face of FOMO. 

Embrace the joy of missing out, because what’s happening today is unimportant. You’re interested in the future and what’s happening in your industry tomorrow. 

If you want more tactical tips and strategies on becoming a thought leader in 2020, then head over here to listen to this episode of Let’s Fix Work.