Are You Trapped in a Toxic Work Environment? Take this Quiz!

Are you trapped in a toxic work environment? Feeling trapped in a toxic work environment can be draining and challenging. Such an environment is often marked by unrealistic demands, poor communication, favoritism, harassment, unhealthy competition, and limited growth opportunities. These issues can create a damaging atmosphere, leading to burnout, anxiety, depression, and even physical health…

Connect & Grow HR Coaching Program

Hello friends! With nearly 30 years in the HR space and a deep-rooted passion for people and their work, I’ve witnessed firsthand how the field has evolved and adapted. I’ve been there in the trenches with you, navigating every challenge that comes with this dynamic profession. I’ve also been on the other side of the…

Degrees and Skills: A Harmonious Future

In a post-COVID workscape, we must continue to expand our understanding of education. Traditional university degrees have historically been the gold standard for preparing young minds for the workforce. But a growing narrative emphasizes skills-based learning as a more practical, immediate solution to the demands of an ever-changing job market. It has, unfortunately, bred the…

Make Performance Management Sticky With Betterworks’ Andrea Couto and Harini Sridharan

My guests on this episode of Punk Rock HR are both from Betterworks: Andrea Couto, head of solutions engineering and sales readiness, and Harini Sridharan, head of product marketing. We discuss the evolution of performance management into performance enablement, why small businesses can experiment with performance enablement, the role of people analytics in performance and…

Corporate Drinker & Boundaries

Here’s the latest scoop on my journey: I am piecing together my ‘Corporate Drinker’ podcast, comprised of over two dozen insightful interviews. It drops on July 16th. Simultaneously, I am wrapping up the sample chapter I intend to submit to my publisher. I wanted to complete this by July 4th, but I’m behind schedule. This…

Promoting Your CHRO: A Strategy for National Recognition

Promoting Your CHRO: A Strategy for National Recognition In today’s dynamic and interconnected world, a Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) can contribute significantly more than just their internal role. By projecting their expertise, insights, and core values, they can earn national recognition and become champions for change, contributing to the organization’s reputation and the broader…

mary k williams sphr shrm

Connect & Grow: Mary Williams, SPHR

I’m back with the “Connect & Grow” series, this time introducing a truly inspiring figure, Mary Williams, who has quietly revolutionized the HR landscape with her dedication, expertise, and remarkable approach to empowering others. Mary holds strategic experience as an HR and Operations Executive and has made significant strides in the HR community through her…