Breakthrough Strategist, inspirational speaker, and author Simon T. Bailey joined me on my podcast to talk about customer service, how to enjoy work, and how to love your life. His latest book, Be the Spark: Five Platinum Service Principles for Creating Customers for Life, walks readers through how to attract and retain customers in a growing global market as well as become the spark that creates change.

In addition to talking about the world of work, we discussed the qualities needed by a leader who wishes to spark change within their organization. Simon shared many inspiring and insightful takeaways. You can listen to our conversation here.

He had this to say about leaders and their lack of recognition for brilliance within their company, “Organizations recognize their number one customer are employees but so many organizations missed the mark on creating a spark.”

So, how can leaders become savvier about seeing the hundreds of sparks within their organization?

Here are a few ways leaders can begin to encourage the spark within the individuals in their organization:

  1. Work to understand the learning style of every person on their team. Are they visual, auditory, or hands-on? Once they figure this out, communicate to each individual in their preferred learning style.
  2. Seek to understand each person’s personal vision for their life. Where do they want to go and how do you come along?
  3. Most important, leaders should tell team members what they are doing right instead of what they’re doing wrong. This goes beyond the annual review or mid-year review. It’s telling them weekly or at least monthly.

The key is realizing that spark is the new engagement. Seek out opportunities to truly connect, engage, understand, and celebrate your organization.