A New Form of Privilege

COVID-19 is ushering in a new form of privilege.   There are four adults in my home. We have five vehicles.  Late Wednesday night, I was driving home, sitting at a stoplight, and a bus came through the intersection. The header on the front of the bus said: “Essential Travel Only.”  On the bus, there…

Returning to Normal Won’t Be All That Great

Covid-19 has taught me to be more conscious of how I spend my time, money, and energy. “The Curve is Flattening,” “What Our New Normal May Look Like,” “Get People Back to Work!” I have been seeing headlines like these all week and it freaks me out. I’m lucky, I live in a state that…

The Ultimate Coronavirus Panic Buy

By Devon McGrath This week our (home) office got two new coworkers. They’re easily distracted and prone to bickering. I often catch them sleeping on the job and when they’re awake, they think it’s fun to interrupt my video calls. I can’t hold it against them though. They’re young, siblings, and growing up is hard…

College Students Are Having a Rough Time

18.2 million students are going through something we’ve never experienced. Let’s cut them some slack. At this time, two years ago, my ass was firmly planted at the New Bar on campus at University College Cork. Seated with two close friends, we had our 4 pm happy hour before going to one of our most…

Quarantines and Boredom

Standing on a street corner waiting for no one is power. – Gregory Corso During my final year in college, I was a contract recruiter at Monsanto in St. Louis. I helped hire engineers, chemists, and drafters for agricultural and manufacturing facilities around America. Please don’t blackout from the boredom. It was a temporary job…