HR, Compensation and Rich Uncle Pennybags

Nearly two months ago, SHRM published an interesting article. Base Salary Rise of 3% Forecast for 2015 U.S. workers can expect a median base salary increase of 3 percent in 2015 across all main employee categories and most industries, still below pre-recession levels, according to separate research findings by pay consultancy Hay Group and WorldatWork, an…

scrubby saucony

Marathon Monday: New Shoes

It’s week four of marathon training. This isn’t my first rodeo. I know how the training schedule works, which is why I broke down and bought some new shoes. I know this seems like a boring blog post, but buying shoes isn’t a simple thing. Not only are there a bazillion products on the market,…


This has been the travel week from hell, but it was worth it. I spent time with friends. (I mean real friends who exist in real life.) We sat in cars and talked about life. We sat in parks and watched squirrels. I had dinner with kids. We visited shopping malls, sat at dingy restaurants, and talked about stupid shit like…

I Want a Therapy Dog

I travel for a living. I’ve been on planes since I was 25 years old. When I see people walking through airports with therapy dogs, I roll my eyes. You better be a veteran with PTSD or I’m calling bullshit on your small, adorable animal. Except I keep having these horrible experiences at airports, and…

Racist HR People

Facebook brings out the worst in all of us, including me. I lived in St. Louis for seven years. My first HR job was at Leaf Candy Company. We made Switzer, Good & Plenty and Chuckles. It was a busy and vibrant factory, later featured in a Michael Moore movie when Hershey USA purchased the…