Marathon Training

I am marathon training. Again. I run with an astounding group of people who are wholly committed to fitness — whatever the hell that means — while being parents, spouses and good corporate citizens. I don’t know how they find the time. I am so impressed and inspired.

You Use LinkedIn Like Shit

Nothing good happens when I’m on LinkedIn. If I am not randomly hassled for free career advice or spammed by your mom, I am objectified by strange men. You know what really bugs me, though? It’s when you do LinkedIn wrong like this guy. Okay, this is not the worst. But I am not interested in collaborating. The…

Comments Section

Hello! About a year ago, it was a really big deal for a website to shut down its “comments” section. (See Copyblogger and PopSci.) The logic behind the decision was simple: you are too stupid to write anything helpful or productive. (And those editors were right, by the way. I was inspired.) The comments section…

Summer Book Recommendations

I want to thank everyone for buying and reading my book. I really want to say, “No, it’s a shitty e-book about HR. It’s a small thing. Unimportant. I am just testing out the market to see if I have anything to say. One of these days, I’ll write something more meaningful.” Please don’t let…

Your Three Most Powerful Words

My friend Gregory Ng believes that your personal brand comes down to three words. Does that feel right to you? I speak on the subject of personal branding all of the time. You are more than a bottle of dishwashing detergent. You have unlimited potential. You have a soul. But I think many of us would…

The State of HR Blogging in 2014

New HR bloggers are brave. They live in a liminal state where they daydream about the future of work while processing payroll, managing compliance issues, and providing ongoing support to leaders and employees. I admire their fortitude. Before you can write well about HR, you have to learn how to write. All new bloggers go through…