Veterans Day

What is your company doing for Veterans Day? Whatever it is, put those plans on hold. The best thing you can do is hire a veteran. The second best thing you can do is stop assuming that all veterans suffer from PTSD. The third thing you can do is stop trying to gain favor with…

Why the Candidate Experience Matters

You guys, I just finished a month of writing about the candidate experience for CareerBuilder’s Talent Advisor Portal. What is this all about? What is the candidate experience? The candidate experience is about fairness and communication. It’s about people in power — leaders, hiring managers, human resources professionals — giving a damn about job seekers and…

HR Doesn’t Innovate

Edward Binney and Harold Smith co-invented crayons in 1903, which doesn’t seem that long ago. Fortune cookies were invented back in 1918 — but I have to admit that I thought fortune cookies were some sort of ancient Chinese dinner ritual. (This makes me mildly racist. Sorry, guys.) John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry built the…

Company Culture is a Myth

Laurie Ruettimann is a workforce expert and podcaster. Please check the homepage for her most recent podcasts, LinkedIn courses, and newsletters.   I’ve been saying that your company doesn’t have a culture for years. You incorrectly apply the word “culture” to a group of people who behave a certain way because their lives are dominated by a few powerful figures…