2016 and 2017 HR Marketing Trends

It’s the time of year where HR companies push content marketing that takes one of two forms: 1. 2016 Year in Review 2. 2017 HR and Recruiting Predictions For years, I wrote these articles for my clients. Now that I’m focused on other things in my life, this work falls to other marketing professionals. And,…

Radical Uncertainty

Confidence is the name of the game when you do anything at the professional level unless you’re a blogger. If you’re a blogger, whether it be HR or golf, you are rewarded for introspection and self-doubt. The higher the level of dysfunction, the more readers feel as if you’re real and human. Radical uncertainty is…

Evidence-Based HR

Earlier this year, I started flushing. There are many reasons why this can happen, but, for me, it’s anxiety-related. And, unless I want to take a bucket of Xanax, I know that I need to cool down as my body heats up. When I started researching flushing, I was hit with a ton of horrible…

Business Rules

My friend and advisor, Mary Ellen Slayter, asked me to write my business rules. She said it’s important to understand my personal values, and limits, as I run a new company. I had two immediate thoughts. 1. No dicks. 2. Don’t boss me. It’s not the most articulate set of business principles, for sure, but…

Cheering for Other People: Be Gracious!

Oscar Wilde said, “Anybody can sympathize with the sufferings of a friend, but it requires a very fine nature to sympathize with a friend’s success.” I have found this to be true in my life, especially over the past year as I’ve transitioned out of being an HR famous blogger® and tried to establish myself…

Fitness Is(n’t) Fun

I believe that a body in motion stays in motion. Unfortunately, I believe this is true for other people. Me? I’m a person who doesn’t remain on the move naturally. I have to fight like hell to run, exercise, and do whatever it takes to balance my natural inclination to binge eat potato chips for…

every day is a do-over

Every Day is a Do-Over

My sister turned 32 on the day after the election. I was worried she wouldn’t get out of bed. It’s not that Trump was just elected the next president. It’s that America took a crap on everything that matters to her, from civil rights to women’s issues, and she was devastated. Plus she’s thinking about…