Be Your Own HR

People think HR is there to help workers, no matter how often you tell them otherwise. It’s not like employees are stupid. Intellectually, they know HR is there to do two things: Pay people and protect the company from lawsuits. Everything else is fake-work created by an industry of consultants who realized that a bigger…

Why Punk Rock HR?

When I was very young, I embodied what it means to be punk rock, including having a shaved head and piercings. One day, this jerk I worked with asked, “Who do you think you are, a Punk Rock HR?” And my answer was,” Yeah, man. I do.” Punk Rock HR is a fantastic name, brand,…

Leading with Love

Are you a leader? If so, then you are probably accustomed to not only living and operating under sets of rules but most likely imposing rules on others. After all, we have to have order in life and business, right? While that is true, there are many principles that can be applied to exactly how…

How to Be Authentic At Work

In a recent episode of Let’s Fix Work, we had the opportunity to examine being authentic at work. That’s a really important topic to consider. We all have different roles in our lives, and it’s so important to be true to who we really are. But how do we do that at work? We need…