mentorship friday punk rock hr

Bonus Episode: COVID-19 and Your Content

You’re not listening to podcasts, right now. Laurie Ruettimann is a mentor to dozens of emerging and seasoned leaders. All of her mentees are just like her—spinning their wheels and working from home. How do you your best work in an environment that has you hyperfocused on COVID-19 and worrying about your finances? The answer…

COVID-19 Preparedness with Lorna Borenstein

Punk Rock HR Episode 100: People keep saying that we’re living in an unprecedented era of disruption. While this is new for us, humankind has lived through war, pestilence, plagues, and we have persevered. We persevere because we hustle, and we move quickly. We think about innovative solutions, but we also rely on our community.…

21st Century HR with Lars Schmidt

Punk Rock HR Episode 98 Meet former HR leader turned writer, speaker, and entrepreneur, Lars Schmidt. Lars is a columnist for Fast Company, and the owner of an executive search firm called Amplify Talent. He is also the founder of a podcast that is kicking butt and taking names. The 21st Century HR podcast explores…