So You Want To Be a Coach?

Punk Rock HR Episode 111: If you want to be an executive or career coach, you have to approach doing so like a business, not a side hustle. You need a business plan, you need to know how to run a business, and you need to determine who you can help and who you cannot…

Seeing the Extraordinary in the Ordinary

Whether you’re a student, in the middle of your career, or a retiree, you may have felt unqualified. So, what’s the message to somebody who feels average and unqualified? Well, Amanda Nachman, author of #Qualified: You Are More Impressive Than You Realize, joined me on my podcast to talk about the stress, fear, and uncertainty…

You are #Qualified with Amanda Nachman

Punk Rock HR Episode 109:   If you’ve ever wondered, am I qualified? Or am I the right person for this role? You are going to enjoy this week’s conversation with Amanda Nachman. With graduation season upon us, Amanda is perfectly positioned to talk about looking for a job in a pandemic. She is an…

How to Calm Down During Times of Crisis

People keep saying that we’re living in an unprecedented time of disruption and uncertainty. When I hear that, I tend to push back just a little. Humankind has lived through war, pestilence, plagues, and we have persevered. We persevere because we hustle. We think about innovative solutions, but we also rely on our community. Speaking…

The People of Your Organization Matter

Frank Roche is a baby boomer who had a portfolio career before it was cool. He’s been a writer and a journalist, a technologist, and a corporate advisor at very Senior levels. He’s also a podcaster with two podcasts, one about postcards, and another about his journey with pancreatic cancer. Frank is also a long-term…

Aspirational Ideas of 21st Century HR

The world, as we know, is changing. The world of HR is changing too. While we can remain cynical about all things HR, Lars Schmidt offers a different perspective. Lars is the Founder of Amplify and Co-Founder of HR Open Source. He’s spent 20 years in HR and recruiting building talent strategies for a broad…