Making Work Human

Punk Rock HR is underwritten by Headspace for Work. There is so much technology out there to help with HR. However, if you focus on which of those technologies help bring humanity into the workplace, the list is pretty short. Derek Irvine is the Senior Vice President of a company that is working to fix…

Build Inclusive Cultures

Punk Rock HR is underwritten by Headspace for Work. As I’ve said before and will say again, there are a lot of problems with corporate America today. The hiring process is extremely broken and the way companies view their employees is hurtful. A lot of work needs to be done in order to build inclusive…

Get nFormation

Many of the processes within corporate structures are set up for the advantage of the corporate structure. When issues are raised, there aren’t processes set up to even listen to the women of color who raised them. Deepa Purushothaman and Rha Goddess have created a solution to this problem. Their goal is to provide a…