Writing for the HR Tech Market

It is conference season, and I am the recipient of dozens of email pitches/day. People want me to notice their new HR products and services. These pitches suck so hard. My friend Steve Smith is an award-winning writer who leads The Starr Conspiracy’s content development, thought leadership and public relations teams. He is great. Steve…

The Fault in Our Stars #tfiosreview

Did you read The Fault in our Stars? Did you see the movie? (It isn’t Grapes of Wrath, but who wants to read that boring shit, anyway?) I liked the way “love” and “happiness” were portrayed throughout the novel and movie. While there is an oxytocin-like element to the early stages of romance between Hazel Grace…

How to Grow Out Your Bangs

My friend is trying to grow out her bangs for her upcoming wedding. Just so you know, growing out your bangs is no joke. Here’s how you do it. Decide to stop cutting your bangs. Don’t cut them. Stop thinking about them. Really, I mean it, don’t cut them. Do what ever you can to…

Trends in Human Resources #shrm14

I love to talk about trends in human resources. Some people want to focus on the debate between unified and integrated HR tech systems. Some people want to discuss the aging of the workforce and retirement of the Baby Boomers. Still others want to analyze social media. I want to talk about the trends in…

Take the Meeting

Earlier this year, I received an email from a CEO who is pretty great. He owns (what he describes as) an agile and nimble tech company outside of the HR space. He said, “We have big plans for the market. We want you to be a part of our story.” I am always looking to…


My rules on apologies. It is never too late to apologize and start over. If you owe someone an apology, just do it. Just because you offer an apology doesn’t mean that it will be accepted and embraced. You should stop what you are doing and apologize right now even if you don’t mean it.…