Marathon Monday: SoulCycle

I’m just back from a few days in San Francisco. A friend asked, “Want to do SoulCyle?” My first reaction was to blow off the invitation because I’m not the kind of woman who does SoulCycle. In my head, people who take spin classes are super-fit and positive. They’re tall, confident, and know how to…

Social Media, HR and CIA Drug Trafficking

There’s a conspiracy theory out there that the CIA has been involved in drug trafficking since the 1960s. Starting with America’s involvement in Southeast Asia (remember that old war?) through our current conflict in Afghanistan, people on the internet believe that the CIA moved drugs across the globe to impact political outcomes while simultaneously working to distribute crack…

Van Gogh

Van Gogh

I have great clients who know that I’m a nerd. I went to visit one of them in March, and they structured our meetings so I could leave in the afternoon and see an exhibit called Van Gogh’s Bedrooms. It’s an art show based on three paintings of the same bedroom, created by Van Gogh…

Travel and Art

Hey, everybody. I’ll be at WorkHuman, next week. (It’s a conference about work-life balance. Want to go? I know a woman. She has a sweet deal. Just let me know and we’ll find a way to get you there that won’t kill your travel budget.) I’m excited about WorkHuman, but I also know that I…