“Nobody Around Here Gets It”

Whenever people in human resources feel alone or stressed, they will say something like, “People in my town just don’t get it.” Let me give you some examples. “I live in Sacramento, and these HR people just don’t get it. It’s still all about compliance.” “Cleveland is a wonky town. They just don’t get social…

Paradox of Hedonism

Lots of talk on Huffington Post and Medium—and in the HR blogosphere—about happiness at work and in life. “Just do seventeen things and you will be rich, content and happy. You might do better at work, get a raise, be more attractive and have more sex.” I think some of that’s okay, but it seems…

Marathon Monday: Race 131

I just told you that I don’t like surprises. I had the surprise of my life this past Friday when I realized that my half-marathon training was a week off. Instead of running on June 13th, I would need to run a half marathon on June 6th. I found out via Facebook from my friend who…

mushroom coffee

Come See Me in Barcelona #TWU2015

A few years ago, I asked a colleague if he had ever been to Barcelona. He responded, “I am well traveled throughout Western Europe.” Good grief, HR people are so insufferable. But since that time, I have been looking for a reason to visit Barcelona. I finally found one—and it’s not a human resources conference,…

mushroom coffee

Imposter Syndrome

Back in the day when I was a newbie blogger with a good URL and an accidental audience, a friend offered a smart piece of advice. Quoting Kurt Vonnegut, he said, “Be careful who you pretend to be.” Whenever I think I know something, and whenever I’m about to present myself as an expert on…

Art Therapy

I’m always looking to grow and develop—as a business professional, a wife, a sister, a daughter, and as a normal woman who deals with anxiety. For years, I have been thinking about doing some art therapy. Why not? I love art, and I’m a big fan of the pop art and modern art world. But…