Summer Travel Recommendations for All Generations

Do you want summer travel recommendations from a woman who always has a great summer? That’s me. I’ve got recommendations for you based on generational stereotypes that are bandied about in your local HR department. All travel scenarios involve a lot of laughs, decent champagne, and a good group of travel friends. If you have those, you…

Throwback Thursday #TBT

I am not nostalgic. At all. It’s a good thing because I have very few pictures of myself from my childhood. My photos are all on slides. That’s right. Slides. If you are my dad and it’s 1982, you have a machine that shines a light through these slides and projects the images on your basement…

Why I Love the Beach

Many of you know that I was diagnosed with Ménière’s Disease in my 20s. If you don’t know, here is the story. I had balance problems in college and in my early 20s. I was constantly misdiagnosed with ear infections. I always heard a high-pitch tone in my ears, too. It was frustrating and no one…

The Fault in Our Stars #tfiosreview

Did you read The Fault in our Stars? Did you see the movie? (It isn’t Grapes of Wrath, but who wants to read that boring shit, anyway?) I liked the way “love” and “happiness” were portrayed throughout the novel and movie. While there is an oxytocin-like element to the early stages of romance between Hazel Grace…