People on the Internet

Someone googled “what to do when husband beats you and you have kids” and they came to my site. Many people on the internet are jokesters and fools. Some people on social networking sites are stalkers or bullies. But most people are honest, hardworking people who are looking for reliable answers to tough questions. I…

Marathon Monday: Don’t Hit Me

I run through the UNC campus on Saturday mornings. There are two benefits. 1. Empty streets. 2. Whenever someone is out, you are guaranteed good people-watching opportunities! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve assumed that the campus was empty, run across the street, and nearly been knocked over by someone who is turning…

Want to Run with Me? #workhuman

Globoforce is hosting a conference in early June. Want to inspire a work culture imbued with purpose, appreciation, and respect? (Join the club.) The event is called WorkHuman. You can read about it here and use the code LRBLOG100 for a discount. But that’s not the real meat of this story. The real news is that…

Practicing Gratitude

A couple of months ago, a local friend was on a rant. “You know what you can’t find down here?” she asked. “Good bread.” I’ve been down this road with my local friends and neighbors, which is why I almost lost it on the spot. First of all, Durham is sick with delicious bakeries. Cary has…