Can You Do That?

Ten years ago was my breakout year. It was 2009, during the Great Recession and well before people were addicted to social media, and I was a rising star in the world of human resources. You’d find me on the news, writing in business journals, or industry events and sharing my opinions on hiring, firing,…

2019 Resolutions

I always end the year by writing about my accomplishments, failure, regrets, and resolutions. I love this time of year because the calendar naturally moves me to reflect and take action. This post is all about 2019 resolutions. There are two types of people in this world: people who think there are two types of…

2018 Regrets

I always end the year by writing about my accomplishments, failure, regrets, and resolutions. I love this time of year because the calendar naturally moves me to reflect and take action. This post is all about 2018 regrets. Every year, I write that regrets are a waste of time. Everybody makes mistakes, and it’s self-indulgent…

2018 Failure

I always end the year by writing about my accomplishments, failure, regrets, and resolutions. I love this time of year because the calendar naturally moves me to reflect and take action. This post is all about 2018 failure. I’ve participated in this ritual in some way since 2004, and I generally write about failure in…

Omah’s Snickerdoodles

People keep asking me for my Omah’s Christmas Snickerdoodle recipe. It’s a holiday staple. Turns out, she is my ex-boyfriend’s Omah, but these cookies have been in my life since 1991. We’ll always be family. Here’s the recipe. Sift together and set aside: 2 1/2 cups sifted all-purpose flour 2 tsp. cream of tartar 1 tsp.…

Welcome to the Era of Employee Wellbeing

Do you know the difference between wellness and wellbeing? Wellness refers to physical health. When your employer talks about wellness, they want you to quit smoking and lose weight to bring down health insurance costs. You know what brings down health insurance costs? Better regulation of health insurance companies and medical providers. But, no, you…