The People of Your Organization Matter

Frank Roche is a baby boomer who had a portfolio career before it was cool. He’s been a writer and a journalist, a technologist, and a corporate advisor at very Senior levels. He’s also a podcaster with two podcasts, one about postcards, and another about his journey with pancreatic cancer. Frank is also a long-term…

COVID-19 Preparedness with Lorna Borenstein

Punk Rock HR Episode 100: People keep saying that we’re living in an unprecedented era of disruption. While this is new for us, humankind has lived through war, pestilence, plagues, and we have persevered. We persevere because we hustle, and we move quickly. We think about innovative solutions, but we also rely on our community.…

Why Punk Rock HR?

When I was very young, I embodied what it means to be punk rock, including having a shaved head and piercings. One day, this jerk I worked with asked, “Who do you think you are, a Punk Rock HR?” And my answer was,” Yeah, man. I do.” Punk Rock HR is a fantastic name, brand,…

21st Century HR with Lars Schmidt

Punk Rock HR Episode 98 Meet former HR leader turned writer, speaker, and entrepreneur, Lars Schmidt. Lars is a columnist for Fast Company, and the owner of an executive search firm called Amplify Talent. He is also the founder of a podcast that is kicking butt and taking names. The 21st Century HR podcast explores…

How Dan Giusti Fixed Work for Himself

What do school lunches and fixing work have in common? Dan Giusti, that’s what. Dan Giusti, Founder and CEO of Brigaid, is the former Head Chef of Noma (the best restaurant in the world) and now works in school kitchens. Since 2016, his company Brigaid has collaborated with K through 12 school districts to support…