The Key to Unlearning with Barry O’Reilly

Let’s Fix Work Episode 93: This week I am introducing you to Barry O’Reilly, a business advisor, entrepreneur, and author who has pioneered the intersection of business model innovation, product development, organizational design, and culture transformation. Barry authored both Unlearn and Lean Enterprise. If this isn’t enough cred, he is also the founder of ExecCamp…

Accountability Is Not So Scary

Accountability can be scary and when something is scary we tend to make excuses about why it won’t work in our lives. Keita Williams, Founder and Chief Strategist of Success Bully, joined me on my podcast recently to share some accountability truth bombs. It’s time to do some excuse busting! Excuse #1 – Accountability is…

2 Tips for Becoming an Influencer

So you want to become an influencer or thought leader in 2020? Well, in a recent episode of Let’s Fix Work, I shared five tips to help you achieve that goal. Today, I wanted to share two of those five tips with you. The first thing you need to understand when setting out to become…