You Need a Summit

America and the Soviet Union were mortal enemies when I was a kid. Ronald Reagan was a good guy leading a fight against the entrenched powers of communism and Orwellianism. Mikhail Gorbachev was a monster and wanted us to die in a nuclear holocaust and stand in a long line for bread in milk. And…

Work From Home

There’s snow here in Raleigh. A lot of it. Crazy. Not saying it’s been a tough week for people who work at an office. But 9-to-5 jamokes are forced to work from home. They are out of their routines. Spending a lot of time with partners and cats. Did you hear what I said? Can…

What Now? Thoughts on the #MeToo Movement

The other morning, I watched middle-school boys march to school. They were a loud gaggle of arms and legs and energy moving on impulse and swinging backpacks and books by their fingertips. These boys laughed and screamed and slammed themselves into one another like waves in the ocean as if their bodies existed only to…

I Wanted Instagram Cats

I am doing 2018 differently. This year, I knocked out all three annual cat exam visits in January. Over the past ten days, I hauled each of my girls to the office and went through the checklist of shit that might be wrong. They’re all in exceptional health. Roxy is a terrorist kitten. Molly lost…

Best Career Advice for 2018

The world’s smartest women offer some career advice for 2018. It goes like this: Be your authentic self. Confidence is key. Be open to opportunities. Surround yourself with good people. Find the right balance for you. I love all of these women, but this list is recycled garbage. Everybody knows that you can’t be your…