HR is Silent on Healthcare in America

There’s some talk that the Republicans aren’t done with healthcare, and I don’t blame them for taking a stab at the Affordable Care Act. Right now, private premiums are daunting for many families. I have friends who left the freelance world for “real jobs,” and they did it solely for affordable healthcare. And whenever I…

mushroom coffee

I’m Looking for a Technical Co-Founder

When we started working on GlitchPath back in early 2016, we created a premortem on paper. We called it a Failure Toolkit. I’m not sure it got any better than that. Our Failure Toolkit asks teams to imagine a project has just failed. We walk you backward from your imaginary failure so you don’t make…

mushroom coffee

Why Do People Hate HR?

Why do people hate HR? From start-ups to conglomerates, very few people show love for a critical and important department within a company. Here’s why. 1. They don’t like to hear women tell them what to do. Or gay people. Or anybody who seems as if they’re in a lower socioeconomic class. Look at your…

Headwinds & Tailwinds

Do you feel like your life is unnecessarily stupid and hard? Do you feel like you’ve accomplished a lot and wonder why other people can’t work as hard as you? I heard a podcast, the other day, with Drs. Tom Gilovich and Shai Davidai. They explain why things seem needlessly hard for you in a…