Autonomy and Power in HR

Autonomy and Power in HR

Welcome to the Great Resignation. People are quitting their jobs in record numbers and HR professionals must deal with the fallout. Unfortunately, many HR professionals are unhappy with their own careers because they have a lot of autonomy but no power. Let me explain. When you work in HR, your day is largely yours. While…

HR is Silent on Healthcare in America

There’s some talk that the Republicans aren’t done with healthcare, and I don’t blame them for taking a stab at the Affordable Care Act. Right now, private premiums are daunting for many families. I have friends who left the freelance world for “real jobs,” and they did it solely for affordable healthcare. And whenever I…

mushroom coffee

I’m Looking for a Technical Co-Founder

When we started working on GlitchPath back in early 2016, we created a premortem on paper. We called it a Failure Toolkit. I’m not sure it got any better than that. Our Failure Toolkit asks teams to imagine a project has just failed. We walk you backward from your imaginary failure so you don’t make…

mushroom coffee

Why Do People Hate HR?

Why do people hate HR? From start-ups to conglomerates, very few people show love for a critical and important department within a company. Here’s why. 1. They don’t like to hear women tell them what to do. Or gay people. Or anybody who seems as if they’re in a lower socioeconomic class. Look at your…

Headwinds & Tailwinds

Do you feel like your life is unnecessarily stupid and hard? Do you feel like you’ve accomplished a lot and wonder why other people can’t work as hard as you? I heard a podcast, the other day, with Drs. Tom Gilovich and Shai Davidai. They explain why things seem needlessly hard for you in a…