HR Cat Lady

Everybody jokes about the HR lady cat stereotype because, if I’m being honest, I made it okay to joke about that stereotype when I first started blogging about HR. It’s like Coach purses. I have a bunch — including an awesome, vintage Stewardess bag — but I saw myself mixed in with a group of frumpy…

Lessons on Turning 40

About eight weeks ago, we celebrated my “early 40th birthday” in Australia. I drank cocktails and jetted around the Great Barrier Reef. I was able to snorkel with tropical fish, swim with sea turtles, and then head down to Sydney for more sightseeing and tourist fun. Thank god I had that wonderful experience. When my…

The Woman Who Doesn’t Help Other Women

We all know women who don’t help other women. I use some of these women as examples during coaching sessions. With great specificity, I talk about dysfunctional professional behaviors and wrecked work-relationships. I try to debunk gender stereotypes while simultaneously acknowledging that the woman-who-doesn’t-help-other-women imbues some of those stereotypes. This woman is complicated. She is privately and pervasively negative.…

Conference: Best Practices in 2015 #GlobalBPC

Next week, I’ll be attending a conference called Global Best Practices 2015. I sit on the board of TD2nK, which will bring together the brightest executives in the restaurant and hospitality industries to discuss labor trends, economic policy, and issues around engagement and retention. It’s a great event for HR leaders who work in the…

Unique Public Speaking Tips

Frozen. #40 #birthday #thebean #chicago A photo posted by LFR (@lruettimann) on Jan 8, 2015 at 8:10pm PST As part of my consultancy, I talk to a lot of high-performing sales professionals. (I always look at the crowd and wonder, “Why aren’t there more ugly people in this room? Why aren’t any of you fat? How…


Today is my birthday. I am 40. I don’t want anything for my birthday except a parade, champagne brunch, a puppy, a nap, peace in Syria, and a donation to Hustle Up the Hancock. (If you’re so inclined to donate, I would appreciate the support. Thank you!)

How Executives Use Social Media

About 18 months ago, I shared an article that 68% of executives weren’t on social media of any kind. Shocking nobody, the needle hasn’t moved over the past year despite to the rapid adoption of mobile devices. (I also wrote CEOs aren’t on LinkedIn. I received a barrage of hate mail on that one. But it’s true.)…