Grand Cayman Ritz Carlton

HR Speakers

I am about to keynote a fun event in Grand Cayman for the second year in a row. It’s probably one of the best HR conferences I’ve ever attended because it helped to shape my thinking on the subject of strategy. Your CEO has a coach. Your CFO has a mentor. They have someone who has…

You Have Earned a Vacation Day

You have earned a vacation day. Whether or not you can afford a vacation is another story. Although many people are still mired in the credit card debt from before the recession, it’s still possible to turn off the computer and take a break from work without breaking the budget. Think local. Do you ever…

Workforce Analytics #vestricslive

I was lucky enough to participate in a webinar with Gene Pease and Vestrics on the subject of workforce analytics. Gene and I talked about the future of human resources (people, data, information), and he took the time to define measurements, metrics and analytics for HR professionals. We both agree that the words are misused. If…

The Cobbler’s Children Go Unshod

The one thing I’ve learned about being a solopreneur is that the cobbler’s children go unshod. I am helping a few HR technology companies create and implement progressive marketing strategies. I am coaching a few young women on how to be more effective human resources leaders. I am headed down to SHRM ATL to help…

Human Resources Conference Speakers

I am excited to return to Grand Cayman on May 14 where I’ll keynote the 11th Annual CISHRP Conference. Let me get a few things out of the way. Yes, there are HR professionals in Grand Cayman. Yes, they have a conference. Yes, they are always looking for good human resources conference speakers like you.…

personal branding

6 Guidelines for Personal Branding

Across the internet, I see people talking about building a personal brand. While a personal brand can be a useful tool in building relationships, it can also go south pretty quickly if you are not doing it correctly. Do you have friends with new hobbies, new relationships, and new experiences who can’t stop using social…

The Hustle Economy

I am about to Hustle Up the Hancock. I am pretty psyched. Last year, I ran up those flippin’ stairs in 21 minutes. I would like to break 20 minutes in 2014. I’ve been thinking about the way we use the word “hustle” in this country. When I was a kid, it meant two things.…