You Broke Your Resolutions, Already?

You broke your resolutions, already? God, you are such a loser. Just kidding. You are like most people, and that’s okay. There’s a lot of science behind why resolutions don’t stick — from inflated expectations to the rigid ways in which we define success and failure. I think what’s important to remember, on the second day…

2015 Resolutions

I always end the year by writing about my accomplishments, failure, regrets and resolutions. Today’s post is about resolutions. I make resolutions every year. (Learn to cook. Learn to swim. Take better care of myself. Be a better friend.) I never learned to cook, can’t swim for crap, and I could live on a diet…

2014 Regrets

I always end the year by writing about my accomplishments, failure, regrets and resolutions. Today’s post is about regrets. I regret not meeting Lil BUB, this year. You want to know — who is this Lil BUB you’re always talking about, Laur? Well, per her website, “BUB is a very special, one of a kind…

2014 Failure

I always end the year by writing about my accomplishments, failure, regrets and resolutions. Today’s post is about failure. My biggest failure in 2014 was forgetting about Lance Haun‘s birthday. You say — that doesn’t sound too bad. I say — Are you joking? Lance is one of my dearest friends. He is beyond loyal…

2014 Accomplishments

I always end the year by writing about my accomplishments, failure, regrets and resolutions. Today’s post is about accomplishments. I don’t have a huge list of things that I tackled, this year. Oh, wait, that’s a lie. I keep a list in my head. But, good grief, I’m a human resources consultant and a blogger.…

Friends at Work

I just told a reporter that I might still have a job in human resources if I had friends at work. That feels true, on the surface, because I always had more enemies than buddies. Work was a hassle, and nobody liked me. I came back from getting married, and only one person congratulated me.…