HR and Slack

About a year ago, many of my clients became sick of email and asked me to join them over on Slack. What is Slack? Well, it’s basically inter-office-email plus AOL instant messenger plus storage for files. You can do emoji, and there are folders called “channels.” So it pretty much feels like email 2.0 to…

I Have No Equal

A couple of months ago, I attended an event where a bunch of HR ladies discussed talent-related topics and drank champagne and rosé. (It’s too bad. I didn’t know that bubbles had jumped the shark.) I jumped the shark a long time ago, and I never say no to free champagne. So I joined the…

Managing Expectations in HR and Beyond

I have a working theory that 92% of an HR leader’s job is managing expectations. People bring their issues to work. Whether it’s a stage-of-life problem or a money problem, nobody ever shows up to a job without their personality quirks. When those irregular characteristics manifest themselves in the form of conflict, HR is often…

Learned Helplessness in HR

There is a weird phenomenon happening in human resources departments around the globe. Far too many people in HR are suffering from learned helplessness. Learned helplessness is a psychological condition that commonly describes victims of abuse and neglect. Those poor souls give up on themselves. They see themselves as perpetual victims — even when they’re…

Marathon Monday: Running and Travel

Let me make a quick recommendation: if you’re running a marathon, try not to travel. If you’re going to travel, try to stay healthy. And if you can’t stay healthy, don’t catch a cold with a thick cough. But if you have a cold and cough, try not to catch it while you’re also recovering…

ruettimann commencement

Inspiring the Next Generation of Adults

Last month, I delivered a speech to the 2016 graduating class at Regent’s University London. They have eight colleges under the larger university, and I spoke to the American College (which I attended) and the school of fashion and design. The ceremony was at St. Marylebone Parish Church where Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Robert Browning…

growth innovation

Process Can Kill Growth and Innovation

A friend of mine recommended a book called Traction. Have you heard of it? He thought that my consulting company and my software company could benefit from implementing The EOS Model™. What is the EOS Model™? Well, it’s a framework to help founders and CEOs understand everything from people to internal processes. Very simply, it’s…