Friday Forward

Punk Rock HR is underwritten by Headspace for Work. Whenever somebody is struggling or down about their job, I like to give them books. They help them think through their experiences and get help from others. Friday Forward is one of those books that you could offer one of your friends in a similar situation.…

Get nFormation

Many of the processes within corporate structures are set up for the advantage of the corporate structure. When issues are raised, there aren’t processes set up to even listen to the women of color who raised them. Deepa Purushothaman and Rha Goddess have created a solution to this problem. Their goal is to provide a…

Mindful Money with Jonathan DeYoe

I’ve got a book coming out in January and there’s a chapter in there all about money. There are some key themes in it that I’ve learned from friends. These include tips like budget, pay yourself first, and, more importantly, that debt is the single biggest thing that can hold you back, both personally and…

Learning and Leadership

Changing our workplace environments can’t just be about changing the employee. Rather, organizations need to change around the employees in order to ensure that they can thrive. People explode with energy when they experience high levels of engagement and genuine positivity. If this happens and leaders help their employees be the best versions of themselves…

The Underbelly of Book Publishing

In case you haven’t heard, I have a new book coming out called Betting On You: How to Put Yourself First and Finally Take Control of Your Career. The journey of writing a book has been both straightforward and surprising. Throughout each step of the process, something happened to my health or my family, making…

Food and Social Activism

COVID-19 has provided an incredible opportunity for growth in our world. This moment in history is not a moment to shrink, but to see what wasn’t working in our system and get rid of it. When we are lost and confused, we need to trace back our steps and correct what was wrong. At this…

Chronically Capable

It’s National Disability Employment Awareness month in America, a time when we recognize disabled and chronically ill workers and acknowledge their contributions to the economy. The themes of this month are about increasing access and opportunity. It’s one thing to say that you’re a company that is inclusive and wants to hire people who are…

Compensation Truth & Lies

Years ago, I interviewed for a job and the VP of HR was full of himself. At the end of the interview, I asked him what differentiated their HR department from others. He gave a long answer full of buzzwords, but he didn’t believe in any of it. That was in 2004, but even now…