LinkedIn Talent Connect

People keep asking me if I’m going to LinkedIn Talent Connect. It’s complicated. A few months ago, I wrote an article about a LinkedIn hackathon that very few people actually read. I was like, “Is today the day that I woke up looking stupid?” Here’s the summary: LinkedIn held a recruiting event, disguised as a…

Improve Your Career

Years ago, I dreamed of being a full-time career advice columnist. You can’t work around human resources professionals for twenty years without learning a thing or two about how to succeed without even trying. But career advisors are a dime a dozen, and very few of them make money by writing. Some of them do…


Hi, everybody. Uh, yeah, I took a break from blogging. It’s not like you don’t know about my hiatus. No secrets here, but I feel like I should address it before I jump right back into writing. The story goes like this: I was sitting on a beach and thought, “I don’t have anything new…

Art is Currency

Years ago, I dated a boy whose mom had a part-time job working for an artist. She didn’t earn money. She received art. When I challenged this boy on his family’s wealth, he tried to tell me that his family wasn’t affluent. I rolled my eyes. When you earn art for a paycheck, you don’t…

Donald Trump is a Racist Boss

When someone shows you who they are, you should believe them. Maya Angelou said that, and I think was talking about Donald Trump. Donald Trump is very racist. There’s no bigger example of Trump’s racism the 2004 season finale of The Apprentice. (Yes, this is ancient history.) Trump cast Omarosa Manigault as a villain and…

Life is Clickbait

Sometimes people complain that my blog has clickbait on it. “You roped me in under X and then told me about Y.” Smart bloggers who monetize their online presence know that they have to sell ideas, products and services through their websites. I could load my blog up with display ads or pop-up advertising. I…