Your Three Most Powerful Words

My friend Gregory Ng believes that your personal brand comes down to three words. Does that feel right to you? I speak on the subject of personal branding all of the time. You are more than a bottle of dishwashing detergent. You have unlimited potential. You have a soul. But I think many of us would…

The State of HR Blogging in 2014

New HR bloggers are brave. They live in a liminal state where they daydream about the future of work while processing payroll, managing compliance issues, and providing ongoing support to leaders and employees. I admire their fortitude. Before you can write well about HR, you have to learn how to write. All new bloggers go through…

HR Certifications

I’ve been asked two questions about HR certifications, this week. Here is the first one. I’ve seen you post a few times about worthwhile/non-worthwhile HR credentialing. I’m not credentialed at all, but I’d like to be so that I don’t look like an uneducated asshole. Which one would you recommend for someone who has been…

Inspirational Quotes About Recruiting

You ever wonder what recruiting and marketing professionals talk about via email? We talk about a lack of inspirational quotes in our industry. No, really. This is true. Who works hard to inspire us, dammit? (Nobody, that’s who.) So I grabbed a bunch of photos and had some fun. Enjoy!   You feeling inspired? Make your…

The Conference Board Review

Some of my readers know me as a former human resources lady. Some of you know me as a blogger. But a surprising number of my readers are senior executives and communications experts who found me through my work with The Conference Board. For five years, I wrote a column in The Conference Board Review that…

Worker Protection and the Buffer Zone

Years ago, I hired chemists and engineers for Monsanto. Back in the day, Monsanto was a different company and had a diverse portfolio that included hardcore chemicals products, food additives and pharmaceuticals. And it employed many different types of workers — from hippies to lobbyists to lawyers — who honestly dreamed of saving humanity and…