Business Rules

My friend and advisor, Mary Ellen Slayter, asked me to write my business rules. She said it’s important to understand my personal values, and limits, as I run a new company. I had two immediate thoughts. 1. No dicks. 2. Don’t boss me. It’s not the most articulate set of business principles, for sure, but…

Cheering for Other People: Be Gracious!

Oscar Wilde said, “Anybody can sympathize with the sufferings of a friend, but it requires a very fine nature to sympathize with a friend’s success.” I have found this to be true in my life, especially over the past year as I’ve transitioned out of being an HR famous blogger® and tried to establish myself…

Fitness Is(n’t) Fun

I believe that a body in motion stays in motion. Unfortunately, I believe this is true for other people. Me? I’m a person who doesn’t remain on the move naturally. I have to fight like hell to run, exercise, and do whatever it takes to balance my natural inclination to binge eat potato chips for…

every day is a do-over

Every Day is a Do-Over

My sister turned 32 on the day after the election. I was worried she wouldn’t get out of bed. It’s not that Trump was just elected the next president. It’s that America took a crap on everything that matters to her, from civil rights to women’s issues, and she was devastated. Plus she’s thinking about…

twitter chat benchmarks

Twitter Chat Benchmarks #failchat

Hey, everybody. I’ve been doing a Twitter chat for the past five weeks called #failchat to prepare the market for my GlitchPath launch. Each week, I posted a topic and talked to my audience about overcoming failure. We talked about politics, relationships, and even interpersonal communication. If I had to describe the chat in one…