mushroom coffee

Spring Break

I’m on spring break. Read these articles if you miss me. How to Determine Your PTO Policy The Fabrication of Culture The Most Controversial Productivity Hack: Getting High At Work How to Moonlight Without the Worry Whoops, You Hired a Dud. Now What?

HR Advisor

Do you work in HR? Do you want to be promoted and make more money? Do you like being in charge? Are you ready to help your company make some important decisions? Well, sorry, your options are limited. There is one senior-level HR job at your company. Maybe it’s a CHRO — someone with fiduciary obligations…

The Definition of HR

I saw a tweet from a #sxswi attendee. @garyvee HR used to be at the bottom. Now it’s at the top. #SXSW @garyvee — Fatima Lora (@FatimaDLora) March 14, 2015 If you can’t read the tweet, I will paraphrase it. Gary Vaynerchuk is quoted as saying that HR used to be at the bottom, and…

Polite HR #politeHR

I don’t land HR consulting gigs. The gigs land on me. Lately, I’ve been asked to help “polite HR departments” think about how to operate more effectively. What’s a polite HR organization? First of all, I lump it into one word: PoliteHR. Sometimes I call it #politeHR. PoliteHR it’s a departmental archetype of sorts, but…