mushroom coffee

Being Social on Social Media

Years ago, I just put my head down and wrote like a motherfucker. Then I blogged. Then I started cross-posting my blogging content on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Then I used a WordPress plug-in to automate that laborious task. Then I used Twitterfeed to cross-promote other people’s work. I now use ManageFlitter to organize my…

Meeting Nostalgia

Do you remember your first meeting? I do. I was at Monsanto. We were talking about staffing. I didn’t know what to do. I just sat there with a pen in my hand looking ridiculous. Remember the days when meetings were over fast? Or when you could make up a lie, walk out of a…

mushroom coffee

Ask for What You Need #workhuman

I have a dear friend named Teresa. She’s an accountant who operates as my defacto life coach, especially during tax season. I don’t think she knows it, by the way. She saves my life on a regular basis. I get the answers I need by watching her make her way through the world. Good times.…

HR Doesn’t Care About Your Work/Life Balance

HR doesn’t care about your work/life balance. Well, that’s harsh. They care, but they have problems of their own. Human resources departments have undergone a transformation. They are agile, data-driven, and aligned with the executive agenda. Employee advocacy, when it happens, happens because it benefits the company’s bottom line. Your work/life balance bottom line is your own…