Lee Hecht Harrison

I’m taking the day off. If you need something to read, check out Nick Corcodilos’s piece on Lee Hecht Harrison. (They are an outplacement company that misappropriated some of Nick’s materials over at Ask the Headhunter®.) Crooks, liars or fools? You pick.

Free HR Learning Opportunities

A few weeks ago, BambooHR asked me to speak at a virtual summit. What’s a virtual summit? Well, it’s an online learning event for “HR People Who Don’t Read Good And Wanna Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too.” (Just kidding. I wish it were that awesome.) An HR summit is an event where a bunch…


Just last week, I heard several mature and qualified recruiters use the word crapplicant at a technology conference. (Jerks!) Crapplicant is an offensive term used by recruiters to describe applicants and candidates who suck. You know the stereotype. The old dude who sends his resume to your database for every job on your website. The…

HR Tech 2015 with a Vengeance

It’s HR Tech 2015 week. In my little community, which is nearly a $100b industry, that’s a big deal. My first HR Tech conference was back in 2008 or maybe 2009. These events can be expensive and difficult to justify in even the most generous of circumstances. Not everyone can attend, so you can follow…

SHRM Leadership Boundaries

A few months ago, SHRM announced that it was holding board elections. I had to laugh because an election at SHRM, a professional human resources membership association, is barely an election. They pre-select a slate of candidates to run unopposed through a very cumbersome ballot process. SHRM leadership reports that it has a quarter-million members…