3 Important Activities to Ground Your Day

The great thing about my life is that every day is different than the last. It’s also a challenge because healthy rituals are lost to travel schedules and client meetings. I have core activities in my life — food, coffee, cats, chores, writing, exercise — but that’s not enough to anchor my day. (Especially if…


The Politics of Life #failchat

For the past month, I’ve been hosting weekly chats on Twitter. They have nothing to do with HR. Each week, the audience tackles failure from a different angle. We’ve talked about “generalized failure disorder,” relationships and managing difficult people at work. The audience is expanding, and the person-to-person interaction is growing more fun and entertaining…

HR Tech World San Francisco

There’s another new HR technology conference on the scene. It’s called HR Tech World San Francisco. The company that organizes this event has a foothold in Europe. Now they’re coming to the states with a pretty stellar line-up of speakers and a desire to clean up the American HR technology conference market. You ask —…

HR: A Love Story

I just spent the day learning how to tell better stories with Dr. Nick Morgan of Public Words. It’s amazing that I’ve gone this far in my career as a speaker with very limited training. I don’t know anything about the mechanics of building a great speech, and don’t get me started on my ability…


An EpiPen Saved My Life

An EpiPen saved my life on Saturday night. Well, it saved me a trip to the emergency room. I have food allergies and ate something off my husband’s plate that caused an anaphylactic reaction. My lips began to tingle. My throat started to close. I struggled to breathe, and my body attempted to throw up…

#FailChat Preview: Week 2

We had a great #failchat on Monday about “Generalized Failure Disorder,” which was a fake name for being human. I took a poll at the end of the chat, and this Monday’s topic will be “relationships.”  I constantly fail at maintaining and nurturing my personal and professional relationships, and I hope we can have an…

HR Tech Analysts #hrtechconf

I went to HR Tech, last week. It’s a conference where a bunch of HR technology companies showcase the latest and greatest iterations of their software. It’s also a place where people called “HR tech analysts” go behind the scenes in a “briefing room,” which is just a beige-on-taupe room that’s always too hot or…

active waiting

Active Waiting

Right now, I’m in a transition mode. I am moving from D-list HR blogger and speaker to the founder of a software company. And, if I’m honest with you, it’s uncomfortable. Everything is 100% harder than necessary. Unlike what you read on Breitbart, doors do not open because of affirmative action. Nobody is handing me…