Four Quadrants of HR Technology™

Four Quadrants of HR Technology™

You can’t be a human resources consultant without a model. For years, I’ve tried to help recruiters and HR practitioners understand technology by referring them to other smart people. I send my friends and colleagues to other consultants who break down complex ideas into clear messages. But I now have my model for HR technology,…

Why People are Sad that Prince Died

I was at an HR technology conference when I learned that Prince died. Then I watched grown-ass people in khaki pants and sensible shoes lose their minds when they heard the news. There are two reasons why people freaked out. 1. Adulthood is full of complicated choices and disappointing compromises. It’s okay because that’s the…

Botticelli girls

Botticelli and Girls

About a week ago, I saw Botticelli Reimagined in London. The exhibition reflected on Botticelli’s perfect vision of girls and womanhood, as represented in The Birth of Venus and La Primavera, and tried to show his influence on art from the 15th century through the modern era. Let’s start with the basics of Botticelli’s Venus. She…


How You Know You Failed

Here’s you how you know you failed. If you stopped trying. If you never tried. If you didn’t learn anything. If you gave up too soon because it was hard. If you quit because you were frustrated. If you valued short-term fun over long-term results. If you expected something worthwhile would be easy. If you…

Social Media Spring Cleaning

It’s springtime. My husband did a ton of yardwork and trimmed back our azalea bushes. I washed kitchen cabinets and removed dust jackets from my hardcover books, but I need to paint one of our guest bedrooms. We have a million other projects to complete around here, but while I have a few minutes, let…

joy at work

Finding Joy at Work

There’s a new movement you need to know about: joy at work. That’s right. The latest trend is to nag you into finding some joy in your job. Not happiness. Not passion. Joy. And if you find joy, at least a little, things are going to be okay. I don’t hate the idea of finding…

radical candor

Radical Candor in HR

One of the biggest trends in HR right now is radical candor. Have you heard this phrase? According to Kim Scott, radical candor is the moral obligation of managers to care for each team member personally and challenge ’em to grow. Managers must provide feedback that is humble, helpful, immediate, and in person. If you’re…