Welcome to the Era of Employee Wellbeing

Do you know the difference between wellness and wellbeing? Wellness refers to physical health. When your employer talks about wellness, they want you to quit smoking and lose weight to bring down health insurance costs. You know what brings down health insurance costs? Better regulation of health insurance companies and medical providers. But, no, you…

Let’s Fix Work Episode 30 — Why Minorities Are Leaving Corporate America with Jose Pinero

Employees aren’t that complicated. If they’re happy, they stay. If they’re unhappy, they leave. When women and minorities are leaving Corporate America in droves, the problem is obvious: these underrepresented groups aren’t happy. What’s causing the mass exodus and what, if anything, are we doing about it? Jose Pinero, the CEO of Latino Leadership Performance,…

Happy John Jorgensen Day!

If you work in HR and have a Twitter or Facebook account, stop what you’re doing and thank John Jorgensen. He’s the godfather of the modern day HR movement, an early adopter, and someone who deserves your admiration and recognition. John was an HR director before the Great Recession. Over the past ten years, he’s…