Holiday Reconciliation

You know what’s a terrible idea at home or work? Holiday reconciliation. No holiday season tugs at your heart strings more efficiently than Christmastime, even if you’re not Christian, but here’s the thing about forced peace treaties: any amicable arrangement forged without the hard work of authentic and genuine reconciliation isn’t a treaty at all.…

2016 Recruiting Trends

I’ve written about 325 articles on 2016 recruiting trends. You will see my work all over the internet during the month of December, but it goes something like this. Trend No. 1: You won’t fill that job quickly. Guess what? Recruiting is hard. Remember that piece of technology that was going to disrupt and disintermediate…

Jesus, It’s Just a Job

One of my ex-boyfriends asked me why I have so many email addresses. That’s a loaded question. I’ve had a variety of email addresses since college — that’s 1992, folks. It means that everybody in the world knows how to reach me: parents, siblings, friends, professors, student loan debt collectors, former bosses, colleagues and, now,…

Alone on Thanksgiving

Mother Teresa said, “The most terrible poverty is loneliness.” Mother Teresa is an anti-choice criminal who let women and children suffer in poverty under her care instead of fighting for access to health care and contraception to prevent unintended pregnancies and HIV/AIDS. But most everyone agrees that nobody should be alone during the holiday season.…

The Commercialization of Gratitude

It’s Thanksgiving week here in America. This means that everyone is overwhelmed with emotional reminders that family is important, forgiveness and charity are essential, and purchasing stuff made in China is the tie that binds American families together. American citizens are nothing more than an audience for Walmart and Macy’s, and really, you’re only an…

Human Resources in Cuba

In Cuba, it is your right and your duty to work. There is a labor code that protects workers from social injustice and abuse; however, there are 11 million citizens and only four million workers. That means four million people hustle and seven million people ride the flow. Workers in Cuba have mixed opportunities. Cuban…

Americans Traveling to Cuba

It is still illegal for Americans to vacation in Cuba. Americans traveling to Cuba must be part of a pre-approved delegation. There are twelve categories of delegations that cover everything from research, athletic events, performing in a concert, working on a humanitarian project, or taking part in educational activities. (Lots of information on the internet on…