Why I Still Love the Premortem

It’s been awhile since I’ve written about failure, but not a day goes by when I don’t think about the concept of the “premortem.” As a reminder, a premortem is an act of thinking about how you’ll fail before you do something. Modify your plans, and increase your chance of success. For example, you’ve got…

New HR Job Board

I’ve been traveling all over, this spring, attending conferences and networking with amazing talent-focused business leaders. One thing that’s true for every event? Almost everybody is looking for a new job. I’ve had hundreds of in-person conversations since the beginning of the year with HR folks who are miserable. Complaining incessantly about their leadership teams.…

Let’s Fix Work

Work is broken. I’m here to fix it. Every two weeks, I’m bringing you interviews and insights from my friends — people who are changing the world, taking risks and showing up every damn day to say NO to corporate bullshit, misogyny, institutional racism and everything else that is wrong with how we earn our…

I See How You’ve Changed

I’m fascinated by people who change their lives. I was lucky enough to see a bunch of friends and colleagues at my friend’s 40th birthday party, last summer. These are bloggers, speakers and HR professionals whom I knew when I was younger but haven’t hung out with in many years. What was clear at that…

Student Protests & Gun Violence

I’m here for student protests. Have passion? Make a statement. The louder, the better. What I don’t love are school-sponsored “student protests” that hop on the bandwagon and co-opt the non-specific negative feelings about guns and turn raw emotion into an adult-centered activity focused on bullshit concepts like community and togetherness. Listen, community and togetherness…