mushroom coffee

3 Rules of Reference Checks

I get calls on a regular basis to provide formal and informal references on people in my industry. First things first: reference checks are not background checks. Reference checks are subjective. Reference checks are unreliable and invalid ways of measuring someone’s knowledge, skills and abilities. Reference checks are what you do when you want to…

mushroom coffee

Forced Ranking is So Old and Stupid

I’ve been doing some video chats for CareerBuilder, and they’re pretty fun. We use a combination of Google Hangouts and Twitter, and what you end up with is a crazy and interesting mix of video and interactive tweets. We discussed talent management strategies and techniques in the last episode. Tim Sackett makes an offhanded comment…

mushroom coffee

Have Fun at #SHRM15

I let my SHRM membership lapse in 2015 because my employer will no longer pay for it. My employer is me, and honestly, she wants me to spend $190 on spa treatments in Turks & Caicos because she believes in employee engagement. So I won’t be going to the 2015 SHRM Conference & Exhibition in…

Safety First on Vacation

You guys know that I’m just back from a trip to Spain. I had so much fun. (Side note: I am horrible with directions, and I burned a chunk of data using my iPhone to navigate the streets of Barcelona. Apple Maps should be free on all carriers/all countries, and subsidized by the legacy of…

mushroom coffee

Your Questions about Work and Labor

Here are some questions that have come to me from events and via email. If a company has grown organically, how do you start to grow through acquisitions? I worked on the HR/M&A side of the house at a company called Kemper Insurance. I was the only HR kid who understood the internet, so that…

“Nobody Around Here Gets It”

Whenever people in human resources feel alone or stressed, they will say something like, “People in my town just don’t get it.” Let me give you some examples. “I live in Sacramento, and these HR people just don’t get it. It’s still all about compliance.” “Cleveland is a wonky town. They just don’t get social…