Home #trulondon

Since the 1990s, I have lived in 18 different locations, which includes two countries, four states, seven cities, a multiple of municipalities, several poorly-furnished corporate apartments — and I’ve had six cats (RIP, Lucy) and tons of foster animals. Raleigh has been my home for seven years, and I love it, but most of you know that…

HR Advisors

I am doing a few events, this spring, where I’m talking about high-performing HR advisors. People want to know — what does great HR look like? Well, I don’t want to dismiss the question. I think it’s interesting. But sometimes I shake my head because … and I hate to be so obvious … who teaches great people to…

I Can’t Teach You Shit

I used to write and share inspirational articles to a core group of friends back when Google Reader was in vogue. (Remember Google Reader? I miss it.) I believed that inspirational blog posts were important. I hoped that intelligently crafted content could change the world. I wanted to help people achieve their best — at…

Simply Being

Back in August 2013, I started practicing mindfulness. (Sorta.) Life was very hectic, and I was feeling overwhelmed. A friend told me about his regular meditation practice, which sounded a little weird. He even involved his children, and he swore that he noticed a positive impact on their behavior when they meditated. I’m not into…