How I Spent My Coronavirus Vacation

I’ve been home for a few weeks. I don’t have coronavirus, and neither do you, but plenty of smart people are extra-cautious and postponing events until the world is a safer place. The world will never be a safer place, but that’s another story for another day. It’s smart not to create an environment where…

How Dan Giusti Fixed Work for Himself

What do school lunches and fixing work have in common? Dan Giusti, that’s what. Dan Giusti, Founder and CEO of Brigaid, is the former Head Chef of Noma (the best restaurant in the world) and now works in school kitchens. Since 2016, his company Brigaid has collaborated with K through 12 school districts to support…

How to Celebrate Giving Tuesday Year-Round

Asha Curran, Co-Founder and CEO of Giving Tuesday recently joined me on Let’s Fix Work. You may have heard of Giving Tuesday before, either as a hashtag, or American Thanksgiving ritual. Giving Tuesday is a global generosity movement that unleashes the power of people in organizations to transform their communities and the world. Giving Tuesday…