Let’s Fix Work Episode 12 — What’s Really Holding Back Gender Equity With Adrienne Murphy, Ph.D.

Chances are you’ve already seen the Gender Equity Iceberg, and today, Laurie talks with Adrienne Murphy, Ph.D., of Dimitry|Murphy & Associates. Adrienne is a wicked smart psychologist, business leader, and consultant who works with professional women to align their jobs with their values. But what’s more is that Adrienne helps these women find their voice,…

Should I Quit My Job?

Not a day goes by that someone doesn’t ask me if they should quit their job. It’s such an ever-present question in my life that we produced a bonus podcast episode that will be released later in the week. (Sign up for LFW updates here.) Today’s email question comes from a reader who received a…

Punk Rock HR Handbook

Hey, everybody. Years ago, I wrote something called “The Punk Rock HR Handbook.” Do you remember it? It no longer exists in the original form, but people still ask me about it. It was a manifesto on how to be a good employee so you’ll never need HR. I found my old notes, and we…