The Power of Empathy

Michelle Obama recently gave a speech and said that there is an empathy deficit among many people in power in our country. I feel that truth in my bones. Empathy is something so primal, yet so hard to achieve. Mimi Nicklin is an author and podcaster who has dedicated her life to driving the conversation…

The Power of Empathy with Mimi Nicklin

Punk Rock HR Episode 124: Today’s guest is author and podcaster Mimi Nicklin. She is the author of Softening the Edge, a book all about empathy and how humanity’s oldest leadership trait is changing our world. Mimi believes that the ability to connect authentically with others has the power to shape not only our business…

Culture First with Damon Klotz

I can’t say that I’m mentored by a lot of people because I’m a difficult individual. But if there’s one person that I learn from, that I grow from, that I actually pay attention to, and try to figure out which way the wind blows, it’s Damon Klotz. I have known Damon for over 11…

It’s Time to Defund HR

HR oversees a system with rules that they don’t control and might not even agree with but can’t change, and they rarely see people at their best. For the past 40 years, we’ve been pumping money into human resources and we are not getting the ROI we deserve. For all the time, money, and attention…

Culture First with Damon Klotz

Punk Rock HR Episode 122: Today’s guest is Damon Klotz. Damon has spent his career working at the intersection of people and technology. He’s held roles as an HR Consultant, Digital Strategist, and he’s the co-founder of a men’s mental health charity. He joined Culture Amp as an early employee where he grew their community…

Improving The Employee Experience

From an HR perspective, we often look at employee experience through the lens of the organization. However, we must begin to understand the employee experience from their perspective. The employee experience is made up of thousands of micro-experiences that we all experience from day to day. The primary role of leaders, then, is to influence…