2015 Emerging HR Leaders Nomination

Let’s face it. There are a ton of people in HR leadership positions who probably shouldn’t be in those positions. Then there are awesome people. The people who deserve to get promoted. Like you. Or someone you know. I’m putting together a list of emerging HR leaders, and I wonder if you’d like to nominate…

World AIDS Day

Today is World AIDS Day. You say — I don’t know anyone with HIV/AIDS. What does this have to do with human resources? Well, a lot. There are approximately 1.1 million people living with HIV in the U.S. It is estimated that almost one-fifth (18.1 %) of those people don’t know they are infected. Testing…

HR Professionals on Twitter

I am not America’s HR lady. America’s HR lady is actually Robin Schooling. But one of the unique things about my company is that I offer HR for human resources professionals. From talking CEOs and CHROs off the ledge to working with learning teams to win the support of their colleagues, my job has evolved…