“I Hate People”

People suck. I hate people. People ruin everything. My job would be great if it weren’t for the people. This place would be awesome if it weren’t for all the people.   I have said all of those things in my life. Sometimes I mean it. Sometimes I don’t. But the outpouring of love and support after…

mushroom coffee

This is Why People Hate HR

I live in a world where aggressive, arrogant men swoop down from big consulting firms and hate the women who work in human resources. It’s creepy. They are “here to help us” while simultaneously undermining us. And some of those arrogant, aggressive men are women. (Et tu, Betty?) I spend an inordinate amount of time…

Marathon Monday: House of Cards

Delighted to announce that my Sunday morning runs with my husband are back. When I say run, I mean run-walk. And when I say back, I mean that we’ve done them about a dozen times in our lifetime. We always say, “Yeah, man. That was fabulous. We should do it again next Sunday.” Our track…

mister scrubby

Mister Scrubby

There is no easy way to write this. We euthanized Scrubby on Monday evening. There is no good time to intervene and say goodbye, but the actual euthanasia was peaceful. I held him in my arms. My husband rubbed his ears. Once he was gone, we cried and spent some time with his body. It…