
On Dissolving GlitchPath

I took a call on a late Wednesday afternoon because I was feeling lonely and disconnected from the world. I haven’t been on the road much in 2017 because I’ve been working on GlitchPath. When I’m not working, I’m doing quiet things like visiting sunflower patches or going to the beach by myself. When a…

cat litter

Cat Litter Ranked

Every time I think about ranking something in my life, I think about Steve Boese. For years, he’s ranked everything from The Outsiders characters to the Founding Fathers to upgrades on airlines. If you want to know where something stands, chances are he’s written a blog post about it. Ranking things? Well, it falls squarely…

An American in India

A friend of mine recently asked me why I never talk much about my trip to India, last year. I like to travel. Where’s the long and winding blog post about my observations and experiences? “You just wrote a boring blog post and never spoke about it, again.” So, yeah, it’s been about a year…

The Light Phone

You probably heard that the iPhone turned 10. I love my phone, and I’ll probably upgrade when the new model comes out in September, but that’s ten years of carrying around a brick in my hand that’s either bossing me around or trying to sell me something. I’m sick of my smartphone. I want a…

Mister Jake Turns 17

Mister Jake turns 17, this week. Well, that’s an estimate. He was born in June or July 2000, and I adopted him in September 2000. That makes both of us old. Jake was rescued from a parking lot on the northwest side of Chicago by some random chick named Lynn. Her mom worked with my…

Life Advice from Jennifer McClure

I’m doing this new thing where I do almost everything Jennifer McClure tells me to do. If you don’t know Jennifer, she’s someone who never gives bad advice. She’s a former HR executive who runs a successful speaking and coaching business. She’s an advisor and leader, but, more importantly, Jennifer is a woman of character…

turning 40

Turning 40 is No Big Deal

Mary Ellen Slayter turned 40, last week. I’ve loved this woman for years. Almost a decade-ish. Look at this dated-as-hell video of the two of us. Jesus. That’s painful to watch. When I’m nervous, I adopt a Chicago accent. I planned on writing a tribute to Mary Ellen and telling her about what it’s like…

FODMAPs and Diet Plans

Hi, everybody. My name is Laurie Ruettimann. I am forty-two years old, five feet tall, and I weigh 130 pounds. My BMI is 25.4, which makes me “overweight.” Thankfully, BMI has always been bullshit. I’m sexy AF, climb skyscrapers that tower over America’s largest cities, and get drunk at business events and still wake up…