What’s Next for #MeToo

I’ve been trying to write a follow-up on the #MeToo movement for Vox. It’s been a struggle to write about what’s next because I don’t know what will happen. I’m not optimistic. In my original article on Vox, I called out Uber’s HR department for its mistreatment of Susan Fowler. It’s a year old. We updated…

Workaholics Anonymous

I met a woman who’s in recovery from working too much. She attends a twelve-step program called Workaholics Anonymous. At first, I was incredulous. Workaholics Anonymous? Come on, give me a break. I’m sure these meetings are filled with people who say things like, “I can’t help it, I care too much.” Her story is…

How’s Your Reading?

Have you been reading the #HRBookClub books of the month? The selections are “Year of Yes” and “A Chance in the World.” You can read both books, one book, or something else. Who cares? Just read something. I’ve been banging the drum about reading because people still pick on HR professionals — women and minorities…

In Praise of Self-Help Gurus

My favorite trend on the internet is a wannabe guru telling you to beware the rise of gurus. There’s a special place in hell for someone who thinks his mediocre story inspires you to action; however, there’s another special place in hell for the guy who suffers from imposter syndrome, writes how much gurus suck,…

HR Blogging: Going for Gold

American viewers have been sold a load of goods. For years, we were told that Olympic female gymnasts and figure skaters are princesses. Pretty—sometimes petite—women who are captivating, enchanting and virtuous. These women are warriors. Thanks to the popularity of fitness blogs and protein supplements at the local Target, more of us know about sports…

Winter Olympics 2018

Are you a Winter Olympics fan? Did you see the opening ceremony? We’re still getting over being sick, so we watched the ceremony from the comfort of our couch. Embed from Getty Images The best part of the Winter Olympics is watching people from warm-weather countries compete in cold weather sports. There are the Nigerian…

We Had a Bathroom Flood

I am addicted to taking baths. It’s not a new thing. I’ve been taking baths my whole life. But I rediscovered the benefits of a bath after taking up long-distance running as a hobby. Anything longer than six miles, my move is to soak in an Epsom salt bath and then take a nap afterward.…

Are You Curious About Mindfulness?

Are you curious about mindfulness? Just finished week three of my latest round of MBSR coursework at Duke. If you recall, MBSR is a mindfulness training program meant to help people calm the hell down. When I started this journey in 2017, I wanted to earn a coaching certificate and teach mindfulness to clients and…