The Trouble with Lists

I’m on a lot of lists in real life, not just in my head. Most important lady in HR. Most influential human being in human resources. The top best greatest HR blog in the history of blogging. Top people who make stuff happen. I made it! Me! I’m number one! If there was ever any…

Power and Effort at Work

The problem with a lot of people in the workforce is that they confuse doing things for having power. Don’t make that mistake. Power has very little to do with effort. In fact, it’s one of those weird circumstances in life that powerful people don’t work very hard. If you’re working on a super-interesting project…

Winning as a Public Speaker

Last week, I spoke to a conference of 400 logistics/delivery executives and owners about Millennials and generational differences in the workforce. Well, I talked to about half of them. The other half were at another session or possibly still sleeping off the night before. Turns out, the logistics industry is interesting because they’re super-focused on…


Think About It, Right?

Every once in awhile, a word will take over America. Back in the late 2000s and early 2010s, it was totes. Remember that phase? Things were totes crazy. Your new girlfriend is totes pretty. Do I want to have a drink on Friday night? Totes. No word has captured America and the internet like totes,…

Option B

I just finished Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience, and Finding Joy. As a side note, I keep wanting to call this book Plan B, which is messing with both my Amazon search results and Facebook ads. Figure me out, algorithms! I dare you! Option B is the saddest book I’ve ever read about resilience…

The ROI of Blogging

Creating unique content on a regular basis has its fair share of challenges. Unless your blog is your full-time job — or you see it as a legitimate side hustle — the quality will vary depending upon what’s happening in your real life. Do the kids have soccer practice? Is your spouse traveling for work?…

Chris Sacca Retires, Failed HR Lady Mourns

Everything you do on the current iteration of the web has been funded by rich men. Well, for the most part. Dudes who’ve amassed wealth — thanks to sheer talent, institutional sexism, and pay inequality — invested early in the core components of the internet. They gave you everything you need to hate your job…